The competition is open to all: undergraduate/graduate/professional students, educators, or industry professionals from all over Pakistani Universities. Each participant can submit only one entry. Team submissions are allowed with a maximum of 4 members.
Please format your teaching case before submission using the following guidelines:
Filetype: All files should be submitted as Word documents (.docx).
General Formatting Tips:
Case Study Length: 5,000 to 7,000 words in length, excluding exhibits, references, and supplementary materials.
Teaching Notes: All case studies must include teaching notes with sufficient discussion and assignment questions.
All submissions must be in Word format and uploaded through the submission portal/link.
Each submission should include the main case document (.docx) and any supporting files (Excel, additional documents).
Ensure all identifying information of the authors is included only on the title page to maintain confidentiality during the review process. Submissions will be accepted until 20th October 2024.
Submissions will be evaluated based on:
Submissions will initially go through double blind review, judged by a panel of academics and industry experts. Shortlisted participants will be contacted by 25th October 2024 for the final round.
Shortlisted participants will present on the competition day: 31st October 2024.
Target Audience: Business students, Faculty, Staff and industry professionals.
Case Study Focus: Marketing, management, HRM, supply chain management, entrepreneurship, and energy sector challenges.
Submission & Registration Deadline: 16th November 2024.
Competition Date: 25th November 2024.
1st Position: PKR 150,000.
2nd Position: PKR 100,000.
3rd Position: PKR 75,000.
In both categories: Students and Faculty/staff/professional.
Registration opens: 02 October 2024.
Case Study Submission deadline: 16th November 2024.
Welcome, Gala Dinner: 24th November 2024.
Event Day: 25th November 2024.
Address: Nisar Ahmed Siddiqui Road, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan
Phone: +92 (071) 5644419, +92 333 3503535